mens hair growth

Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss can be a disheartening affair for men. It may be due to a variety of factors – from genetics to lifestyle and diet. To pin down the cause, it’s essential to take a look at the underlying issues.

Here are some potential causes of hair loss to consider:

  • Genetics
  • Lifestyle
  • Diet


Genetics have a big influence on male hair loss. Most male-pattern baldness is caused by genes on the X chromosome called androgen receptor genes. These genes are sensitive to a testosterone by-product called DHT.

When there is a lot of DHT, it can make the hair follicles shrink. This makes it hard for them to produce healthy hair. The typical result is a receding hairline in the shape of an ‘M’.

Male-pattern baldness has three stages:

  1. Thinning at the temples and vertex.
  2. Receding further up the scalp and temples.
  3. Almost all hair is lost, leaving some at the back of the head.

This process is different for everyone. But, it is usually normal for genetics to cause some hair loss as we age. If you notice sudden or unusual balding, you should see a doctor. This could be a sign of a medical problem.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormone imbalance, like too much or too little of hormones, can be a cause of men’s hair loss. Reasons for this may vary, like taking specific medicines or natural aging.

Testosterone is the hormone connected to male-pattern baldness. Having too much of it quickens hair loss since it gets changed into DHT, which causes follicles to shrink quickly, and hair falls out faster than it is replaced.

Thyroid imbalance can also cause hair loss in men. When thyroxin, produced by over-functioning thyroid, is too high, it causes faster miniaturization and shedding. When it’s under-functioning, thinning happens due to low metabolism.

In some cases, drugs taken for different conditions can be responsible for hair loss. Drugs like Propecia or Rogaine can contribute to male pattern baldness and increase shedding. Likewise, some chemo drugs can cause long-term hair loss. So, if you’re not sure about a drug’s effects on your hair, speak to your doctor about switching meds or finding better solutions.


Stress can negatively affect hair growth. It has links to changes in hormones like androgens, cortisol and insulin, which can cause thinning or complete hair loss. Prolonged stress can also impact follicles, leading to telogen effluvium (rapid shedding) and alopecia areata (patchy baldness). These problems can take time to fix after addressing the stress.

Poor nutrition caused by stress can worsen hair thinning, potentially leading to baldness. To promote healthy hair, ensure your diet is nutrient-rich. Avoid stimulants like caffeine and work on emotional issues causing the stress. This holistic approach is the best way to tackle these issues.


Genes can cause hair loss, but some drugs can too. Meds used to treat high blood pressure, arthritis, depression, and heart issues can make hair thin. Dermatologists may suggest medicines like minoxidil (Rogaine), finasteride (Propecia), and spironolactone (Aldactone). These medicines may help slow down hair loss or even make hair regrow.

Studies show that topical treatments with 5% minoxidil can help with male pattern baldness if used for 4 months. But, it may take up to 6 months to see results. If a drug is causing your hair loss, talk to your doctor about alternatives.

Hair Growth Products

Hair growth products are rising in popularity with men. They wish to grow more hair and these products help. They nourish the scalp and hair follicles, leading to better and thicker hair.

Let’s explore some well-liked hair growth products and their advantages:


Shampoos made for men with thinning hair can be an effective way to regrow hair. They contain active ingredients that target the follicles and promote new growth. Look for ingredients like biotin, saw palmetto, ginseng extract and protein-rich ingredients that help support a healthy scalp and hair. Other stimulants like caffeine and keratin proteins promote growth from root to tip for improved health and thickness. Each strand is also provided with a protective barrier for strength and shine.

Talk with your dermatologist before starting a new product regimen to know if side effects may occur. If shampoo isn’t the right solution, other treatments like medications or laser therapy may be suggested.


Conditioners give extra moisture to hair follicles. This keeps hair soft and flexible, making it easier to style. Conditioners also make the hair cuticle stronger, which may protect it from styling and wear-and-tear damage.

There are different kinds of conditioners that fit different hair types and needs. Conditioners are especially helpful for those with dry scalp or dry, brittly, or broken hair.

Popular conditioners for men include:

  • Lightweight conditioner: Perfect for everyday use. This type of conditioner adds shine without making hair heavy.
  • Mask treatment: Put on this treatment after shampooing to repair harm to the scalp or hair caused by styling heat or chemicals. A creamy treatment with a pleasant scent is great for calming a tired scalp.
  • Deep conditioning: Apply a deep conditioner once a week or so to get even deeper conditioning, especially if you need serious hydration and shine recovery. Choose a product made for “deep conditioning” as other light lotions may not work as well for damaged scalps and strands. Deep conditioning products keep moisture in the strands and protect against future damage from heat and chemical treatments that can cause dryness.


Men looking for a natural way to promote hair growth should consider taking supplements. These are made of various vitamins and minerals which help the body’s cells and organs work correctly. Eating a balanced diet is essential for healthy hair growth.

Common supplements include Bio-Fen, Biotin, MSM, Vitamin A and B vitamins. These provide nourishment for healthy scalp and hair follicles. Protein-rich foods, such as lean meats, nuts and eggs, also help, providing amino acids for new hair follicles.

Supplementing with natural products can help restore balance to the body’s hormones, reducing stress that can slow down hair growth. Some supplements may contain herbs like Saw Palmetto or He Shou Wu, which can reduce the production of DHT, linked to male pattern baldness.

Supplements, alongside proper dieting, exercise and sleep, can be an excellent addition to restoring your long lost mane!

Hair Growth Techniques

Searching for longer locks? There are multiple methods you can use to help your hair grow. From supplements to topical treatments, this article will look at various techniques to get your hair growing healthy and strong. Learn more about how to increase hair growth today!

Scalp Massage

Scalp massage is an awesome way to grow healthy, thick hair for men and women. It increases blood circulation and reduces tension. You can do it manually or with mechanical devices.

For a manual massage, use small circular motions starting at the forehead. Stimulate all areas of the scalp (front, back and sides). Use firm but gentle strokes, focusing on bald patches or thinning areas.

Doing regular massages helps improve hair condition. It increases blood flow for nourishment, and strengthens the roots to prevent breakage. Plus, it encourages new follicle development, making your hair look healthier overall.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a natural, non-invasive way to restore hair. It uses pulsed light and low-level laser energy to cause hair follicles to regrow new, healthy hair. It’s perfect for men with thinning hair or mild-moderate hair loss as it can increase blood flow and stimulate the cell metabolism. No drugs, scalpels, or recovery time are needed!

Laser therapy is offered in two ways: using a comb device or a direct fiber delivery system. Depending on your hair loss pattern, different options may be available for the best results.

It’s best to start laser therapy as soon as you start seeing balding on your head. The earlier the better, because DHT hormones can damage follicles. Starting early can help prevent balding for men who are likely to get it and aging men may also find these treatments helpful for reversing natural baldness due to poor nutrition or health.


Microneedling, or derma rolling or collagen induction therapy, is a simple technique used to improve circulation and promote hair growth. It uses a handheld device to create tiny punctures in the scalp, which encourages new collagen and elastin production. This boosts blood flow and helps grow thicker, healthier hair.

The process is usually painless, when done with a numbing agent. It should be done by a skilled clinician, who follows sterile process best practices.

For best results, 3-5 treatments at 4-week intervals are recommended. Results usually start to show after 12 weeks. It’s important to follow your clinician’s instructions to get optimum results and improve the scalp environment.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) is a fresh, non-surgical method that may encourage new hair growth. It uses the patient’s own platelets and growth factors, creating a natural-looking head of hair.

Firstly, a specialized device draws blood from the arm. This is then spun in a centrifuge to separate the plasma and platelets from other blood components.

The enriched solution is then injected into various parts of the scalp with microinjections. The growth factors activate stem cells in the hair follicles, gradually encouraging healthy new hair growth.

This method has been used as an alternate to traditional hair loss surgery for male pattern baldness. Its benefits include a swift recovery and little scarring or discomfort due to its minimally invasive nature. Results are visible from 4-6 months, and multiple treatments may be needed.

Diet and Exercise

Eating healthy foods is great for male hair growth. Nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in your diet can help the hair grow and reduce hair loss risk. Exercise is also beneficial. It boosts circulation and stimulates the scalp, which helps with hair growth.

Let’s explore the benefits of a healthy diet and exercise further:

Foods to Eat

Eating clean and natural foods is key for healthy hair growth. They provide essential vitamins and minerals, which regulate hormones and create new follicles. Exercise and rest help too!

Eat Omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, walnuts, and flaxseeds. Get B vitamins from eggs, iron from red meat and dark leafy greens, biotin from bananas, nuts, and whole grains, Vitamin C from oranges, selenium from Brazil nuts or poultry, and zinc from oysters or mushrooms. Drinking plenty of water keeps your scalp hydrated and increases circulation.

If it’s hard to get nutrition through diet alone, supplements can help. They’re available over the counter or from a doctor. Reach your hair goals!

Foods to Avoid

Maintaining good health is vital for healthy hair growth. Some foods can harm your scalp and interfere with hair growth. Fried, processed foods, sugar and alcohol are diuretic and can lead to dehydration. Skin cells become damaged and the body can’t absorb enough nutrients.

Avoid these unhealthy options:

  • Fried food
  • Fast food
  • Processed meats
  • Refined sugars
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Sweets

Instead, eat healthy alternatives for vitamins, minerals and fatty acids:

  • Nuts & seeds
  • Whole wheat bread & cereals
  • Organic/free range poultry
  • Salmon (omega 3 fatty acids)
  • Fruits & veggies

Exercise helps too! Low intensity, such as yoga or pilates, lowers stress hormones and increases circulation of oxygenated blood. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise daily.

Exercise Tips

Exercise is a must for a healthy lifestyle, especially when it comes to maximizing hair growth. Physical activity increases blood flow to the scalp and supplies oxygen-rich nutrients and vitamins that help with hair growth.

To get the most out of exercise, incorporate aerobic activities such as running and swimming. This boosts blood circulation and reduces stress.

Combine exercise with a diet plan that focuses on proteins, vitamins, minerals and biotin. Before physical activity, eat high protein snacks such as yogurt and nuts. Afterwards, drink a smoothie with spinach or kale, bananas and other antioxidants to counteract any free radical damage caused by intense workouts.

Lifestyle Changes

Genetics are majorly influential in hair growth, however, there are lifestyle changes that can be done to help! Dieting, exercising, and managing stress all make a huge difference. Let’s take a deeper look into these lifestyle modifications that stimulate hair growth!

  • Dieting – Eating a balanced diet with plenty of proteins, vitamins and minerals is essential for healthy hair growth.
  • Exercising – Regular exercise helps to improve circulation and stimulate hair growth.
  • Managing Stress – Stress can have a negative impact on hair growth, so it is important to practice stress management techniques such as yoga and meditation.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is key for healthy hair growth. Research shows poor sleep can affect health, like hormones and metabolism. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. This can reduce stress levels, which impact hair growth. Feeling tired can cause cortisol, the stress hormone, to rise. This can lead to hair loss.

To reduce tension before bed, try relaxation techniques, like meditation or yoga. Good snoozes can then follow!

Reduce Stress

Stress has a majorly negative effect on hair growth. Elevated stress has been linked to both hair loss and poor hair growth.

To improve hair growth, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle. This means getting enough sleep, eating balanced, nutritious meals, exercising and doing relaxing activities like yoga or meditation. Avoiding too much alcohol or drugs will help reduce stress. Thinking positively can help manage any difficult situations. Working through emotions like fear and anger effectively can also reduce stress.

Avoid Smoking and Alcohol

Smoking and alcohol have bad effects on physical and mental health. They increase risk of illnesses, reduce life expectancy, and affect cognitive abilities. To ensure good health, smoking and drinking should be avoided.

Smoking raises chance of serious illnesses, like heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and diabetes. It cuts 10 years of life expectancy for those who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day. Asthma sufferers are especially vulnerable. Second-hand smoke is also dangerous.

Smoking makes bad lifestyle choices more likely, like bad diets or not exercising. Alcohol has immediate effects on reaction time and motor skills. Long-term it can cause Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. High alcohol consumption also contributes to violence and road accidents – hurting public safety.

In conclusion, avoiding smoking and limiting drinking is necessary for a healthy life. This reduces health risks and improves public safety.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How fast does men’s hair grow?

A: On average, men’s hair grows about half an inch per month, or about 6 inches per year.

Q: Is there anything I can do to make my hair grow faster?

A: There is no guaranteed way to make hair grow faster, but maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress may help promote healthy hair growth.

Q: Can male pattern baldness be reversed?

A: There is no known cure for male pattern baldness, but there are treatments available that can slow the progression of hair loss and in some cases even promote regrowth.

Q: What are some common causes of hair loss in men?

A: Genetics, aging, stress, hormonal imbalances, certain medications, and medical conditions like thyroid disorders can all contribute to hair loss in men.

Q: Can using certain hair products contribute to hair loss?

A: Certain hair products containing harsh chemicals or excessive heat styling can damage hair and contribute to hair loss in some individuals.

Q: How can I maintain healthy hair and promote growth?

A: Maintaining a healthy diet, using gentle hair care products, reducing stress, and taking care not to damage hair with excessive heat or chemicals can all help promote healthy hair growth.

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