premature ejaculation cure


Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual problem for men. It happens rapidly, within one minute of stimulation. It can be physical or psychological, and it can greatly affect self-esteem and relationships. But, don’t worry! Most cases can be treated.

To start, figure out the cause. Treatment could include techniques for better control, medicines, or natural remedies like herbs and supplements. All are designed to help men control orgasm, so sex is enjoyable for both.

Do research, talk to professionals, and possibly change lifestyle habits. With patience, PE can improve or go away, so couples can enjoy sex with no anxiety about climaxing too soon.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is an often-occurring disorder in men. It can be caused by psychological or physical reasons. Stress, anxiety, or relationship issues may be the psychological cause. Physical reasons can be thyroid issues, high prolactin levels, prostate diseases, and higher hormone levels.

To get the correct treatment plan, it’s important to know the root cause of premature ejaculation.

Psychological Causes

Premature ejaculation (PE) affects up to 30% of men worldwide. It can cause distress, frustration, and avoidance of sexual intimacy.

Psychological causes can be linked to performance anxiety and marital discord. Performance anxiety makes it hard for men to relax, leading to tension that builds during sex. This can cause difficulty sustaining arousal and reaching peak arousal.

Marital discord, like unresolved conflicts between spouses, can create tension in intimate moments. As these troubling emotions accumulate, they can significantly alter the functioning process of the male reproductive system, causing PE.

Physical Causes

Premature ejaculation is an issue for a third of men aged 18 to 59. It’s usually caused by psychological issues like performance anxiety or relationship problems. But physical factors can also be the cause.

These physical causes include:

  • Inflammation of the prostate or urethra
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Damage to nerve endings in the penis due to diabetes or surgery
  • Low testosterone levels
  • Injury or infection to the genitals and prostate
  • Genetics: Certain hormones or neurotransmitters that could have been inherited.

It’s important to understand what physical issues might be causing premature ejaculation. But don’t try to self-diagnose. Symptoms could mean another issue which needs medical attention. The only way to know for sure is to see a healthcare provider.

Treatment Options

Worry not! Premature ejaculation can be managed. There are various treatments available. From lifestyle changes to prescription medicines, the options are plenty. This article covers all the treatments for premature ejaculation. Take a look!

  • Lifestyle changes
  • Prescription medicines

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy is the most suggested way to treat premature ejaculation. It includes sets of exercises and practices to help guys have better control over ejaculation. These comprise:

  • Pelvic floor exercises: Squeezing and releasing muscles in the pelvic area to strengthen them.
  • Stimulus Control: Recognizing heightened arousal and reducing it with different thoughts.
  • Masturbation training: Becoming more familiar with P.E. timing and sexual response cycles. Alone or with a partner before sex.
  • Edging: Increasing arousal through masturbation, then stopping before orgasm and repeating multiple times. To extend sex.

Risks of behavioral therapy: Performance anxiety, sexual frustration, lessened desire for partner sex due to self-pleasuring. Discuss risks with doctor to decide if this is the best option.


When it comes to treating premature ejaculation, medications can be a great help. SSRIs, clomipramine, SNRIs and topical anesthetics are the most commonly prescribed.

  • SSRIs, like fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft) and citalopram (Celexa) are often used to treat depression, but can also help with ejaculatory latency.
  • Clomipramine is a tricyclic antidepressant that can improve the duration of sex for 54% of people who take it with behavioural therapy. It is not recommended for long-term use due to side effects like dry mouth, constipation and blurred vision.
  • SNRIs, like Venlafaxine, can also be effective when combined with behavioural therapy. But, they may cause nausea, decreased appetite and fatigue.
  • Topical anesthetics, in gel or spray form, can reduce sensation from penile stimulation and provide short-term relief. They may cause numbness or tingling in the treated areas.

Natural Remedies

For those exploring natural remedies, there are several choices. These involve lifestyle changes, such as avoiding alcohol and smoking, exercising, having a healthy diet, and managing stress. Also, there are herbal supplements, like ginkgo biloba and maca root extract, that might help with premature ejaculation.

Yoga and meditation may help slow down arousal and reduce anxiety related to premature ejaculation. Moreover, biofeedback therapy can help men become more aware of their body’s responses during sexual activity to better control arousal levels.

Other treatments for premature ejaculation include psychological counseling or sex therapy. Mental health professionals can find the cause that may be causing the issue and provide therapeutic interventions. In some cases, medications like antidepressants or numbing sprays may be prescribed.

Lifestyle Changes

Premature ejaculation – it’s no fun! But what causes it? Stress, performance anxiety, and other psychological issues could be to blame. So, what can we do? Change our lifestyle!

That means eating better, exercising more, and avoiding alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Let’s look at these lifestyle changes and how they can help us cure premature ejaculation:


To cure premature ejaculation, try changing your diet. Foods with lots of zinc, like oysters, beef, pork, kale, and spinach are especially helpful. Don’t forget moderation! Balance your diet with fresh fruits, veggies, and lean proteins. Processed foods with additives and sweeteners can have a bad effect on your performance, so cut down on those.

Making these lifestyle changes can help you cure premature ejaculation.


Exercising regularly is important for leading a healthy life. It can enhance heart fitness, lessen pressure and stress, and even better sexual performance. To reduce premature ejaculation, exercise can be key in training pelvic muscles to be better at controlling ejaculation, resisting arousal, and delaying ejaculation.

The following exercises can be helpful for tackling premature ejaculation:

  • Kegel exercises involve contracting and releasing pelvic floor muscles, usually 10-15 seconds at a time.
  • Yoga postures can help with relaxing muscles during intercourse.
  • Jogging increases circulation throughout the body and gives more time to reach peak completion.
  • Weightlifting and resistance training with weights can help strengthen muscles and lead to improved ejaculatory control.

Stress Management

Managing stress is key for lasting lifestyle changes, especially when trying to find a cure for premature ejaculation. Stress can be a major part of the problem, or the solution. It’s important to add stress management to any lifestyle changes you make to beat premature ejaculation.

Regular exercise and healthy eating are great ways to reduce stress. Exercise helps release physical tension and healthy meals give nutrients needed for top performance and pleasure. This improved health can reduce anxiety and depression that often come with sexual dysfunctions like premature ejaculation. Plus, being physically fit and capable will help with better sexual performance.

More stress relief can come from yoga, meditation, deep breathing or massage therapy. These involve slow movements or relaxation exercises to focus on positive changes or images that can help let go of bad habits linked to sexual dysfunction.

Other lifestyle changes to consider:

  • Cut down on alcohol or drugs used to cope with stress and replace them with activities like going for walks after dinner or socializing with friends without substance use.
  • This will help reduce stress levels and issues related to premature ejaculation.


Premature ejaculation is real, and affects men of any age, size, and background. You’re not alone if you’re struggling with it. While there’s no “cure-all,” there are ways to manage the symptoms.

These include behavioral methods, like the “squeeze method,” and medical treatments, such as topical creams and antidepressants.

These strategies do not “cure” PE, and their effectiveness varies. It’s best to talk to a doctor or specialist about an accurate diagnosis and a personalized treatment plan for your own needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is premature ejaculation?

Ans: Premature ejaculation (PE) is a sexual dysfunction in men where they reach orgasm and ejaculate earlier than desired, leading to unsatisfactory sexual activity for them and their partner.

2. What are the causes of premature ejaculation?

Ans: Premature ejaculation can be caused by physical, psychological, or biological factors, such as anxiety, depression, stress, thyroid problems, prostate problems, genetic factors, etc.

3. Can premature ejaculation be treated?

Ans: Yes, premature ejaculation can be treated effectively. There are various treatment options available, such as behavioral therapy, medication, topical creams, and lifestyle changes.

4. What is behavioral therapy for premature ejaculation?

Ans: Behavioral therapy involves exercises that help men increase their ejaculation control, such as the stop-start technique, the squeeze technique, and the distraction technique. It also involves developing a healthy sexual lifestyle and communication with one’s partner.

5. Are there any medications for premature ejaculation?

Ans: Yes, there are medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) that can help delay ejaculation. However, one must consult a doctor before taking any medication as it may have side effects and interact with other medications.

6. Can lifestyle changes help with premature ejaculation?

Ans: Yes, certain lifestyle changes can help with premature ejaculation, such as reducing stress levels, getting adequate sleep, exercising regularly, etc. Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet and avoiding smoking and excess alcohol consumption can also improve sexual function.

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