premature ejaculation time


Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual health concern. It is the most often reported bedroom difficulty in the US, affecting up to 30% of men. PE happens when a man can’t control when he climaxes during intercourse and comes too soon. This can make both partners unsatisfied and it can be embarrassing for men. It is important to know what PE is and what treatments are available.

This guide will give an introduction to PE, its causes, psychological aspects that add to it, treatment choices, and tips on how to keep control during intercourse. With a better comprehension of PE and its reasons, you and your partner can go for a healthier sex life.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a condition in which a man is unable to control his orgasm. It happens too soon during sexual intercourse. This can be caused by many things. Stress, performance anxiety and relationship issues are some examples.

Let’s talk about the causes of premature ejaculation and how to tackle them:

Psychological Causes

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common type of sexual dysfunction. It is thought to be caused by a mix of physical and mental factors, such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Relationship issues
  • Guilt
  • Worries about pleasing the partner

Negative and unrealistic thoughts can also lead to PE. These kinds of thoughts stop normal sexual functions in men. They might think they have no control over how long they last, or take too much pressure to orgasm quickly. This leads to too much anxiety and arousal, which can cause PE.

Internet porn can also be an issue. It can mess with arousal levels and make it hard to control ejaculation when having sex with a partner. Other mental factors like fear of not doing well, past bad experiences, or internalized cultural norms can also bring on PE.

Physical Causes

Premature Ejaculation (PE) is a type of male sexual dysfunction. It occurs when a man ejaculates shortly after entering the vagina, or before his partner climaxes. PE may be lifelong or start later in life.

There are both physical and psychological causes for PE. Let’s look closely at physical causes:

  • Hormonal imbalance. Low levels of testosterone, serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins can affect brain chemistry leading to PE.
  • Thyroid disease. Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism can cause PE.
  • A tight foreskin. Too much skin on the head of the penis can lead to friction and quick excitement, resulting in PE.
  • Abnormal sperm production. Low sperm counts or problems with semen production can lead to PE. Men with no or few sperm can’t come at all due to lack of fluid build up needed for climaxing.
  • Medications. Some drugs used for mental health issues, like antidepressants, may cause delayed orgasm as a side effect. This can lead to feelings of stress, resulting in PE.
  • Nervous system issues. Disorders like MS or spinal cord injuries can disrupt signals from the brain, making it difficult to delay ejaculation and causing PE.

Symptoms of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a condition in which a man ejaculates earlier than desired. This can manifest during foreplay or within the first minute of intercourse. It can also occur with minimal or no sexual stimulation.

Signs of PE include: ejaculating before, during, or straight after penetration, an inability to control the ejaculatory reflex, and unease about sexual performance. Let’s investigate the indications of premature ejaculation.

Difficulty in delaying ejaculation

Difficulty in delaying ejaculation is a typical symptom of premature ejaculation. It means achieving orgasm too quickly, with little sexual stimulation, and it causes distress for both partners. Physically, it can lead to decreased sensation in the penis, not being able to wait more than a couple of minutes, and weaker orgasms. Mentally, it can cause performance anxiety, low self-esteem, sadness, guilt, and stress.

Often, men with premature ejaculation find it hard to focus on the pleasure of sex as their arousal peaks too quickly. This can lead to ending sex before either partner is satisfied.

Feelings of guilt or embarrassment

Premature ejaculation is common, yet some men experience feelings of guilt, insecurity, and self-judgment. It should be noted that it is not a sign of personal inadequacy or lack of sexual capability.

Men can feel embarrassed and think they are not fulfilling their potential as sexual partners. This can be due to their own thoughts or comments from other people. It can be hard to talk about such an issue with family or friends who may have the wrong idea about it or not know how common it is.

Fortunately, treatments are available to help many people overcome premature ejaculation and have a more satisfying and fulfilling sex life:

  • Counseling
  • Medication
  • Lifestyle changes

Diagnosis of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual problem amongst men. It’s when a man ejaculates before he desires, or before his partner can reach an orgasm.

Detecting this disorder is important. If left untreated, it can cause a strain on relationships and lead to low self-esteem.

This article will look at diagnosis of premature ejaculation and how to correctly identify it:

Physical Examination

Physical examination for premature ejaculation diagnosis starts with a medical history. The doctor will want to know about physical problems, such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis. Also about the patient’s sexual history – frequency of sex, number and type of partners, psychological issues, and medications.

The physical examination also includes a pelvic exam. The doctor looks for signs of disease that could cause premature ejaculation. For example, they check for prostate gland inflammation (prostatitis) or testicular pain (testicular torsion). The doctor may ask questions about possible hormone level issues.

Sometimes, laboratory tests are necessary. These tests can include urine analysis or semen analysis. They may also test for infections like chlamydia or gonorrhea.

Psychological Evaluation

Psychological eval is the 1st step to diagnosing premature ejaculation. During an interview with a trained clinician, you will be asked about your current symptoms and sexual experiences. Possible questions include:

  • How long have you had this condition?
  • What types of sex make it worse?
  • Are there other sexual difficulties?
  • Do you have any activities or thoughts that help delay ejaculation?

The clinician may also ask questions relating to mental health & lifestyle habits, such as substance use or medical conditions. This information can help identify any underlying factors and treatment options tailored to individual needs.

Treatment of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation: a medical condition affecting men of all ages. Defined as ejaculating within a minute of intercourse. It’s vital to treat it to improve sexual performance. So, what are the treatment options?

To find the answer, it’s important to understand the causes of premature ejaculation. This article will discuss the treatment options for premature ejaculation.

Psychological Therapy

Psychotherapy for premature ejaculation focuses on teaching a man strategies and techniques for better control. The aim is to help the man understand his body and its arousal. With practice, he can become more skilled at using mental distraction, deep muscle contraction, and cognitive restructuring to control arousal.

Exercises and breathing exercises can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Plus, communication between partners might be provided by sex therapists who specialize in this area. Relaxing and increasing awareness of sexual pleasure and self-esteem can also be beneficial.


Premature ejaculation’s treatment depends on the cause. In some cases, medications such as SSRIs, TCAs, topical anesthetics, and phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors may be used.

  • SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors): Sertraline and paroxetine can be prescribed to treat PE, which is caused by psychological factors. These antidepressants are thought to regulate brain chemistry and serotonin levels, thus increasing time to climax. Side effects may include decreased libido, nausea, and headaches.
  • TCAs (Tricyclic Antidepressants): Amitriptyline, clomipramine, imipramine, desipramine, and doxepin can also be used for PE due to psychological reasons. TCAs block certain neurotransmitters in the brain that affect sexual arousal and orgasm. Side effects may include decreased libido or impotence, as well as nausea and headaches.
  • Topical anesthetics: Lidocaine/prilocaine cream can be applied directly to the penis before intercourse. This helps reduce sensitivity and control climaxing during intercourse. Side effects may include skin irritation or burning sensation at the application site.
  • Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors: Tadalafil is useful in managing PE symptoms related to sexual dysfunction caused by physiological factors. These meds promote blood flow into the penis without affecting libido or sensation.

Behavioral Techniques

Behavioral techniques can help delay ejaculation. They do this by helping you gain control over arousal, and be more aware of sensations that cause ejaculation. There are various strategies for this, such as:

  • Speaking to a therapist or sex therapist
  • Doing squeezing and holding techniques
  • Focusing on pleasurable sensations
  • Understanding the cycle of arousal and ejaculation
  • Easing performance anxiety through talking to your partner

Medical interventions such as creams, sprays and troches can be prescribed to control arousal, and reduce sensation in the penis. The goal is to identify the triggering factors causing PE, and treat them. In addition to medications, counseling can be used too. This provides a chance for both partners to talk about any psychological factors that affect their sexual relationship.

Prevention of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation? A typical problem! It can mess up your sex life. But don’t despair! There’s help available. This article is here to provide you with different strategies for preventing premature ejaculation and making sex more enjoyable.

Learn to recognize the signs of arousal

To avoid premature ejaculation, it’s important to recognize your body’s signs of arousal. Generally, men become aroused quickly, but it takes longer to reach peak arousal or ‘orgasm’. To be aware of this, pay attention to physical sensations, like increased heart rate or breath rate. Also, note changes in your body during arousal, such as increased lubrication and muscle tension.

Knowing your physical responses during sexual activity will help you better control your own arousal level.

Additionally, learning what physical sensations lead up to orgasm for both partners can make sex more satisfying. To prolong pleasure, use lubrication and non-intercourse activities, like massage. Working together to create enjoyable sexual experiences is key. Don’t rush towards climaxes too quickly!

Take breaks during sexual activity

To avoid premature ejaculation, try taking a break during sexual activity or reduce stimulation. Unless you or your partner are close to climaxing, substitute penetration with other activities like gentle touching, kissing, or exploring each other’s bodies. Taking breaks can help build up arousal and delay ejaculation.

Communicate with your partner if you’re taking breaks. Explain that it’s not about them or your relationship. Talk honestly about what works for both of you and practice strategies to delay ejaculation together. Also, couples dealing with premature ejaculation should improve their body awareness and learn relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety related to sexual performance.

Practice relaxation techniques

Premature ejaculation can be caused by anxiety. To manage this, relaxation techniques are key. Deep breathing, meditation, yoga, tai chi, and mindfulness can all help. These help reduce stress and make it easier to cope with arousal during sex. Plus, they increase self-awareness.

You can then identify triggers and find ways to delay ejaculation.


Measuring the exact timing of premature ejaculation is a challenge. Coitus duration can vary depending on the partners, their comfort level and other factors. On average, intercourse lasts under five minutes, ranging from 3 to 7 minutes.

If both partners are content with the duration, there’s no need for concern. But if one partner climaxes before they or their partner would like, techniques for delaying it are worth investigating.

Distraction techniques during sex, props like lubricants or condoms, and counseling or medical treatment can help lengthen intercourse. These can enhance pleasure and reduce sensitivity in the male partner.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is premature ejaculation time?

A: Premature ejaculation time refers to the duration of time that a man lasts before ejaculating during sexual activity, typically defined as less than two minutes.

Q: What are some common causes of premature ejaculation?

A: Common causes of premature ejaculation include psychological factors such as stress, anxiety or depression, as well as underlying medical conditions, such as prostate problems or thyroid issues.

Q: Is premature ejaculation a sign of a serious health problem?

A: Premature ejaculation is not typically a sign of a serious underlying health problem, but it can have a negative impact on your sex life and relationships.

Q: Are there treatments available for premature ejaculation?

A: Yes, there are several treatments available, including medication, topical creams, behavioral therapy, and psychotherapy. Speak to your doctor to discuss the best option for you.

Q: Can premature ejaculation be prevented?

A: While there is no guaranteed way to prevent premature ejaculation, practicing good sexual health habits such as regular exercise, reducing stress, and practicing mindfulness may help improve sexual performance.

Q: Can premature ejaculation be cured?

A: While there is no cure for premature ejaculation, many men are able to manage the condition through treatment and lifestyle changes.

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