premature ejaculation treatment

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation, when a man ejaculates with minimal sexual stimulation prior to or soon after entering, is a usual dilemma for men. There is no unique cause for this issue, but there are a few factors that can contribute to it.

In this article, we’ll look at the various causes of premature ejaculation. This will help you comprehend why it happens and what measures you can take to resolve it:

  • Physical causes
  • Psychological causes
  • Hormonal causes
  • Medications and medical conditions

Psychological Causes

Premature ejaculation can have psychological causes, like anxiety, stress, and depression. Performance anxiety, caused by feelings of self-doubt, may be one such cause. Men may overthink their performance in bed, which worsens the anxiety and increases the risk of premature ejaculation.

Factors that can contribute to premature ejaculation include:

  • Relationship issues: Poor communication and beliefs about physical intimacy can lead to distress as men fear disappointing their partners.
  • Substance use: Alcohol and drugs can affect brain chemicals needed to control arousal, and also lead to impulsive behaviour.
  • Neurological Issues: Some neurological conditions, like multiple sclerosis, can interfere with physical and cognitive control.
  • Physical injury/illness: Loss of muscle control due to physical injury or medical conditions can make it harder to control early ejaculations.

Physical Causes

Premature ejaculation is caused by physical, psychological, or medical reasons. Genes, hormones, medical issues, nerve damage, and prostate surgery can be physical causes. Hypertension, diabetes, and thyroid diseases might also affect sexual duration. Psychological reasons include relationship issues, performance anxiety, or depression.

Treatments vary according to the cause. Counseling with a psychologist to work on issues that may be causing the problem is common. Medications like SSRIs make climaxing easier. Topical anesthetics can numb the penis and decrease sensation to delay ejaculation. Biofeedback therapy helps control involuntary body processes, such as breathing. This helps break the cycle of sexual performance-related anxieties. Vacuum constriction devices can also be used to pull blood into the penis for a firmer erection and longer duration during intercourse.

Diagnosis of Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation (PE): a common and sometimes embarrassing issue for many men. But, with a proper diagnosis and treatment, plus lifestyle changes, it can be managed and even cured.

In this article, we’ll explore the process of diagnosing PE. We’ll learn what steps to take to get an accurate diagnosis:

  • Consult with a doctor.
  • Undergo a physical examination.
  • Discuss any medications or supplements you are taking.
  • Complete a questionnaire about your symptoms.
  • Have blood tests done to check for underlying medical conditions.

Medical History

Before diagnosing premature ejaculation, it is essential for a doctor to get a patient’s medical history. This should include their health, PE symptoms, treatments (if any), family and sexual history.

Also, the doctor needs to know about the patient’s lifestyle. What are their stress levels? Job demands? Recreational activities? Substance use and sleep habits? These can impact the patient’s sexual health.

A physical check-up may be necessary. This can involve measuring heart rate and blood pressure, examining genitalia and doing laboratory tests such as urine and blood tests to rule out hormonal imbalances or medications.

With all this information, the doctor can diagnose premature ejaculation and suggest treatment.

Physical Exam

To diagnose premature ejaculation, your doctor may perform a physical exam, including an evaluation of your penis and testicles, as well as a digital rectal exam of your prostate. They may also request tests to rule out any underlying medical conditions. These tests could include a urine test, semen analysis, or a blood test.

Your physician may ask questions about the frequency and duration of your episodes of premature ejaculation. It’s important to answer these questions accurately, to help your doctor understand the condition better.

In addition to a physical exam, some doctors may use questionnaires or surveys to diagnose premature ejaculation. These tools help the doctor gain an understanding of the patient’s sexual performance and satisfaction prior to making a diagnosis.

Lab Tests

Lab tests could help diagnose premature ejaculation. These tests could be an urinalysis, blood tests, semen analysis and hormone assessments. An urinalysis looks at sexual hormones in urine. Blood tests may show levels of testosterone, kidney and liver function, calcium and zinc. Semen analysis looks at consistency, sperm concentration and motility. Hormone assessments measure hormone levels in saliva or blood.

It’s important to get a complete picture of health before treatment. Lab tests give a baseline for your doctor. Results come quickly, so your doctor can recommend treatment quickly.

The lab tests used to diagnose premature ejaculation include:

  • Urinalysis – looks at sexual hormones in urine.
  • Blood tests – may show levels of testosterone, kidney and liver function, calcium and zinc.
  • Semen analysis – looks at consistency, sperm concentration and motility.
  • Hormone assessments – measure hormone levels in saliva or blood.

Treatment Options

Premature ejaculation is a widespread worry amongst men. It can be a source of distress for both partners. But, fear not! There are treatments available to help men gain control over their climax.

This piece will discuss the different treatments, how useful they are and any potential side effects:

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy is a popular way to treat premature ejaculation (PE). This type of therapy teaches men to better control their ejaculatory reflex, helping them last longer during sexual activities. It consists of cognitive-behavioral training and sensate focus exercises.

Cognitive-behavioral training educates the patient about male sexual arousal and gives physical & psychological strategies to control response times. These may include:

  • Breath control
  • Pelvic floor muscle exercises
  • Positions that decrease stimulation
  • Mental distraction strategies
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Fantasy/visualization exercises
  • Combining these methods

Sensate Focus Therapy combines physical exercises & psychological behavior modification, to increase physical pleasure during sex. This involves activities for couples to increase pleasurable sensations, without intercourse or genital contact. This technique relieves performance anxiety and improves sexual communication.


Medication for premature ejaculation exists. Different drugs affect people differently. Common drugs are SSRIs and anesthetics.

SSRIs are antidepressants and can aid in delaying ejaculation. Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and Celexa are typical SSRIs prescribed for PE. A doctor may suggest combining two or more of them if a single drug is not effective.

Anesthetics come in creams, sprays, or aerosols. They must be applied to the penis 30 minutes before sex. Lidocaine and prilocaine (EMLA) are typical anesthetics used to treat PE.


Supplements may help treat premature ejaculation. Many of these haven’t been scientifically tested, so they could interact with other meds and have side effects.

Dapoxetine is one supplement that has been studied. It’s not approved in the U.S., so talk to a healthcare provider before taking it.

Some dietary supplements, like zinc, L-Arginine, and omega-3s, may also help. They support healthy testosterone levels, which can improve sex.

Maca root and ginkgo biloba are two herbal supplements that could alter hormone balance or reduce anxiety. But, there’s not much evidence yet to prove their efficacy.

Lifestyle Changes

Premature ejaculation is a problem that many men face and try to fix. Medications and therapies are common treatments. But, making changes to your lifestyle can help decrease symptoms. In this article, we will look at the lifestyle changes that can assist with treating premature ejaculation.

Stress Management

Stress management is an important part of treating premature ejaculation. Intense feelings can cause stress and anxiety during sex, which worsens the problem. Relaxation techniques like breathing exercises and meditation can help reduce stress.

Lifestyle changes, such as exercising, eating better, and avoiding alcohol, can reduce stress and help performance in bed. Taking time away from work or other commitments may help one’s wellbeing and reduce related stress. Talking to a counselor or therapist about how you feel can also help manage stress and any underlying psychological issues that might cause premature ejaculation.


Physical activity can help with premature ejaculation. It does this by boosting mental health, calming stress and anxiety, and building up muscles in the pelvic floor. This helps with control when ejaculating. Exercise also increases blood flow to the genitals, giving better performance and functioning.

Specific exercises can be useful. Kegels, Pilates, Tai Chi, and yoga can all help strengthen the pelvic muscles. It’s important to know how they work, so you can choose the best one.

Cardio workouts, walking, and other stress-lowering exercises can help too. Having a healthy lifestyle is essential, as it gives more energy and libido for better sex life and can control early ejaculation problems.


What you eat can influence your sexual health, including premature ejaculation. Many doctors recommend lifestyle changes, including diet, as part of PE treatments.

Eat a balanced diet for hormonal balance, less stress and anxiety, and a healthier nervous system. Include lots of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, complex carbs, and omega-3 fatty acids. Avoid processed foods and high sugar, which can cause hormonal imbalances that may cause PE.

Additionally, hydration is essential for physical and mental performance in the bedroom. Have tea or coffee in moderation, as caffeine can worsen PE. Drink healthy fluids like water, veggie juices, or bone broth to improve circulation and help with orgasm control.

Herbs are also used to treat PE. Try the following in your meals:

  • Licorice root extract
  • Ashwagandha root

They’ll help with PE and your overall health. Make dietary changes now – they’ll benefit your health, as well as your PE!

Risk Factors

PE is a common problem among men; roughly 20-30%. An important step in treating this is understanding the risk factors. Biological, psychological, lifestyle, and other factors can all affect PE. In this article, we will look at what might increase the risk of PE:

  • Biological factors
  • Psychological factors
  • Lifestyle factors
  • Other factors


Age is linked to premature ejaculation. Men over 40 may be more prone to this condition, as their reproductive hormones start to decline. Slower reflexes from the decreased hormones make it harder to control ejaculatory response. Also, hormonal changes can increase sensitivity to touch, pressure and light, causing early or uncontrolled orgasms.

For younger men, psychological issues can cause premature ejaculation. Both physical and psychological issues should be addressed before considering treatments such as medication or desensitizing strategies. Treatment should look at all possible causes, to ensure long-term relief instead of just short-term fixes.


Anxiety is a major cause for premature ejaculation. Stress and anxiety are closely linked. Thus, it is no surprise that they can lead to this issue. Anxiety can be caused by physical or emotional factors, such as:

  • Relationship matters
  • Performance stress (including from sexual partners)
  • Guilt or low self-esteem
  • Past experiences with premature ejaculation
  • Depression
  • Other psychological issues.

These factors can make men feel overwhelmed or experience racing mental states, which can result in premature ejaculation. To manage this problem, it is important to treat the underlying emotional factors. Seeking help from a therapist or counselor is often recommended, so that these issues can be addressed in an effective manner.

Relationship Issues

Premature ejaculation could originate from relationship problems. Both partners might feel pressured to perform, which can cause performance anxiety and frustration, leading to feelings of inadequacy. Low sexual satisfaction could be due to communication issues, a lack of knowledge about sex, or a partner’s attitude towards sex. Poor body image could also be involved.

Conflict between the partners, or difficulties in expressing thoughts/emotions could make it hard to enjoy and relax during sex, causing performance anxiety when intercourse is attempted. Stress is another factor which could trigger premature ejaculation; this includes work, family, or other life stressors.

Lastly, unexpected events, like changing partners or different sexual techniques, could be psychologically traumatic for some men and lead to premature ejaculation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual dysfunction in men, which happens when ejaculation occurs too quickly during sexual activity. It is a condition that affects one in every three men at some point in their lives.

What are the causes of premature ejaculation?

The causes of premature ejaculation are not completely understood. However, psychological factors such as anxiety, depression, and stress are often associated with it. Some physical causes include hormonal imbalances, inflammation, and prostate problems.

How is premature ejaculation treated?

There are several treatments available for premature ejaculation including behavioral techniques, medication, and therapy. Behavioral techniques like the “squeeze technique” and “stop-start technique” can be effective in delaying ejaculation. Medication like antidepressants and topical anesthetics can also be used. Therapy such as sex therapy and couples therapy can help to address any psychological issues that may be causing the condition.

Can premature ejaculation be cured?

There is no cure for premature ejaculation, but it can be treated effectively with appropriate interventions mentioned above. With proper treatment, most men with premature ejaculation are able to improve their sexual performance.

What can I do to prevent premature ejaculation?

You can prevent premature ejaculation by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, reducing stress and anxiety, and practicing relaxation techniques. You can also use condoms, take breaks during intercourse, and communicate with your partner to reduce performance anxiety.

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