Signs Of Low Testosterone

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Are you aware of the big impact of lowered testosterone levels on your health? If not, it’s time to learn the signs. Low testosterone can be seen through:

  • reduced sex drive
  • exhaustion
  • issues with erections

Knowing the warnings can help you decide if seeking medical advice and making lifestyle improvements is needed. Let’s dive into the symptoms of lessened testosterone.

Low libido

Low sex drive? That’s a sign of low testosterone in men. Testosterone is important for keeping up sexual desire, performance and satisfaction. As testosterone dips, so does libido. Other symptoms may include:

  • Fatigue
  • Bad temper
  • Depression
  • Brain fog
  • Changes in body composition such as more fat and less muscle
  • Low strength and endurance

If you’re experiencing these signs, get tested for low testosterone.

Decreased muscle mass

Low testosterone levels may cause your muscle mass to decrease. Testosterone is a male sex hormone that helps muscles grow and be strong. It also helps with metabolism and energy. Low T levels cause problems like less strength, smaller muscle mass, and trouble with activities that need strength and endurance.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may be an option if T levels are low. TRT aims to get testosterone levels back to normal or close to normal to help with the symptoms of low T.


Fatigue is a telltale sign of low testosterone levels. Energy and motivation can decrease and make everyday tasks hard. Feelings of listlessness, sluggishness, and trouble concentrating may be felt. Sleep disturbances, like insomnia or disturbed sleep, and recurring infections due to weakened immunity can also happen.

Depression-like symptoms may occur, such as no pleasure from activities that used to bring joy. Testosterone affects metabolism, so sudden changes in appetite or weight gain could signal low T.

Reduced bone density

Reduced bone density is a common symptom of low testosterone, especially in older men. Testosterone isn’t the only thing that affects bones, but it’s important for maintaining and increasing density. Men with signs of low testosterone should see their doctor, who can order blood tests to measure testosterone levels. If the levels are low, their doctor might suggest supportive therapies such as:

  • Diet and lifestyle changes
  • Natural supplements
  • Medications that increase testosterone

Regular exercise and enough calcium and vitamin D can help protect bone density, even without high hormone levels.

Causes of Low Testosterone

Testosterone levels can dwindle due to a range of reasons. Age, lifestyle, diet and medical conditions (e.g. diabetes or obesity) are the most prevalent causes. In this article, we’ll uncover the usual causes of low testosterone and detail the connected signs and symptoms.


Testosterone is the hormone responsible for male sexual characteristics. As men age, their testosterone levels drop. This is natural, but other lifestyle factors can cause it too.

Normal production of testosterone in men 40+ may fall 10% each decade. Lower production may come from changes to the testicles or thyroid glands, or from a lack of fitness. Obesity, alcohol, stress, and certain medications can all lead to lower testosterone levels.

Reduced testosterone levels can cause serious issues. These include reduced libido, decreased muscle mass, and fatigue. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, talk to a doctor to get help.


Obesity is a common cause of low testosterone in both genders. When a person gains weight, fat composition goes up, certain hormones that affect testosterone levels are released, and physical activity goes down. This can lead to a drastic drop in testosterone which can be bad for health.

Belly fat is linked to many chronic diseases like diabetes, heart problems, and weak bones. People with more visceral fat (belly fat) tend to have lower levels of free testosterone than those with less fat.


Stress is the body’s reaction to any external factors. It can cause physical and psychological symptoms, like a fast heart rate, tiredness, fear, and even depression. Stress can also decrease testosterone production. This can lead to trouble sleeping or concentrating, plus a feeling of persistent emotional distress or agitation. Studies suggest that long-term stress can lead to a 15% decrease in testosterone levels.

It is important for people with stress to take breaks for physical activity and relaxation techniques such as yoga or mindfulness. This can help reduce cortisol levels and increase the production of testosterone.


Certain meds can cause decreased or gradual decline in testosterone production. These drugs include: corticosteroids, hormones to fight prostate cancer, HIV/AIDS treatments, some chemo drugs, and alpha-blockers (for urinary issues or hypertension). If one of these meds is the cause of low testosterone, an adjustment in prescription or dose can help improve T-levels.

Other drugs may suppress testosterone by affecting the enzymes needed for testosterone production. Taking the hormonal supplement Clomid can also reduce natural serum testosterone levels. Talk to your doctor if you think any medication you take is affecting your hormones.

Diagnosis of Low Testosterone

Signs of low testosterone? Reduced libido, fatigue and decreased muscle mass! Need to get it checked? It’s important to take the steps to get a testosterone-level test. Diagnosing low testosterone requires it!

Blood tests

If you have signs of low testosterone, your doctor will probably ask for some blood tests. These tests can help them find out the cause of the symptoms. The tests may be different, based on the doctor’s idea of why testosterone is low.

Common tests for low testosterone include:

  • Total testosterone: measures all the testosterone in the blood
  • Free testosterone: measures the unbound testosterone in the blood
  • LH: encourages Leydig cells to make testosterone
  • FSH: helps make sperm cells
  • SHBG: binds some hormones so they can’t be used
  • Estrogens: hormones that trigger female features in men; high levels can mean low testosterone.

Physical exams

Healthcare professionals conduct physical exams to diagnose low testosterone. The doctor looks at the patient’s medical history, asks questions about any symptoms, checks vital signs, and examines the genitals. They also collect blood samples for further testing.

Measuring testosterone levels in the testicles and blood helps determine if a man has low testosterone. Low levels of free or total testosterone mean more specific tests are needed. These tests can include thyroid and prolactin level tests.

Imaging tests like ultrasounds may be used to evaluate abnormal physical characteristics in organs such as the testes or adrenal glands. Imaging can help detect tumors or other abnormalities that could be affecting hormone production or metabolism.

Questions about symptoms

Your healthcare provider may ask you questions about your health history and signs of Low Testosterone (Low-T). Such as when the symptoms started, how often they happen, and any other conditions. For advanced cases, questions may include changes in sexual desire, fatigue, and irritability.

Your provider will take a full medical history and might do a physical exam. They might also need to know about medications and illnesses that affect hormones, like thyroid disease or diabetes. Lab tests could be done to check hormone levels.

Once health issues are ruled out, treatment options may be discussed to address Low-T. Answering these questions ahead of time could help speed up the process and allow for more effective treatment so quality-of-life can be improved.

Treatment of Low Testosterone

Consequences of low testosterone can be grave; a dip in libido, loss of muscle and decline in vigor are some. Fortunately, there are treatments that can help. Let us explore the options, their advantages and drawbacks:

  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)
  • Clomiphene Citrate (CC)
  • Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs)
  • Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
  • Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs)

Hormone replacement therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a treatment recommmended for low testosterone. This involves a doctor prescribing artificial testosterone. It can be taken orally, injected, or applied topically to the skin. HRT replaces testosterone lost due to aging or medical condition.

The dosage depends on age, cause of low testosterone, and potential side effects. HRT can help manage symptoms like fatigue and decreased libido. But it may not restore testosterone levels to normal. Research suggests long-term use of HRT can increase risks for illnesses like breast cancer and prostate cancer.

So, it’s important for people to discuss risks and potential benefits with their doctor before starting HRT.

Lifestyle changes

To treat low testosterone, lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise, plus natural supplementation, may help.

  • Eat whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and veggies, plus a moderate amount of healthy fats. Avoid processed foods and refined carbs, as they can disrupt hormone balance.
  • Do strength training to increase muscle mass, which improves strength and metabolic functions. Start slowly and increase intensity levels gradually.
  • Sleep 6-7 hours each night, as it helps regulate hormones including testosterone.

Natural supplements such as Tribulus terrestris, ashwagandha, maca root, fenugreek seed extract, and Panax ginseng may be beneficial. Consult with a healthcare professional before using any natural supplement.

Dietary supplements

Dietary supplements are a possible choice to treat low testosterone levels. Varied formulations are available, with vitamins, minerals, and herbs. Popular ones are ashwagandha, maca root, and ginseng. These ingredients could increase testosterone levels, but studies show various results.

It is best to check with a healthcare professional before using any supplement. This is because of possible side effects.


Exercise is key in physical, mental, and emotional health. It has been shown to help with low testosterone levels due to hypogonadism. This condition causes the testes to not make enough testosterone. Exercise can help to improve low testosterone symptoms such as reduced sex drive and fatigue. It can also increase strength and energy.

Resistance training is the best exercise for testosterone stimulation. It has been found to raise free testosterone and total serum testosterone. It can reduce cortisol – an enzyme which counters the effects of testosterone. Research has shown that strength training increases testosterone if lifting heavy weights at 85-95% of one rep max. Do this once or twice weekly. Wait about 48 hours between workouts for muscle recovery. Remember to do intervals of 4-8 sets, not continuous training (over 8 sets). Going further can lead to lower testosterone due to overtraining and cortisol production.

Cardiovascular activity helps low testosterone by improving blood circulation. This decreases inflammation and increases performance. Also aids in recovery from illness or injury. Cardio like running, swimming, or biking should be done moderately for 30 minutes 3 times a week minimum to see benefits on hormone balance.

Prevention of Low Testosterone

Low testosterone can bring on various symptoms – from fatigue to a dip in libido. It is essential to be aware of the signs and take action to keep it from happening. In this part, we will review certain lifestyle adjustments that can help to stop its onset:

Healthy diet

It’s essential to have a balanced diet and lifestyle to keep your body functioning properly. This includes testosterone output! Eating proteins, healthy fats, complex carbs and vitamins, like eggs, beans, fish, lean meats and nuts, will keep your body in a growth state and support normal testosterone levels.

Also, watch out for processed sugars and high glycemic foods, which can disrupt the body’s hormonal balance. Caffeine should also be restricted because it stresses adrenal glands, which are responsible for producing hormones like cortisol. Plus, smoking and drinking alcohol can have a negative impact on testosterone production.

Regular exercise

Regular exercise is key for preventing and treating low testosterone. Physical activity releases hormones, including testosterone, which helps balance hormones in the body, reducing the risk of low testosterone. Exercise helps keep you healthy and prevents age-related illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease.

When creating an exercise plan for low testosterone, focus on HIIT and resistance exercises. HIIT involves brief periods of intense exercise followed by rest or recovery periods. An example is running or cycling for short periods at full capacity, then slowing down or resting in between. Resistance exercises include weight lifting and using resistance bands to strengthen muscle tone and strength, burning calories and raising your heart rate. When making a workout plan, think of the time available and balance HIIT/resistance with moderate cardio or stretching days throughout the week.

Besides a rigorous fitness program, other healthy habits can help maintain healthy hormonal balance:

  • Eat a balanced diet with nutrient-rich whole foods like nuts, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and potatoes.
  • Avoid substances that may interfere with testosterone production.
  • Manage stress with activities like yoga or mindfulness.
  • Sleep for 7-8 hours.
  • Monitor vitamin D levels through sun exposure and supplements if needed.
  • Finally, visit a doctor regularly for check-ups.

Stress management

Stress can reduce testosterone levels. To stop this, it’s key to learn how to manage stress. What can help?

  • Working out – It fights stress hormones and boosts mood.
  • Managing time – Write lists, plan, don’t procrastinate – all reduce stress.
  • Lifestyle changes – Sleep at the same time, eat healthy, cut down on alcohol.
  • Address issues – Speak up and seek help when needed.
  • Yoga and meditation – These help relax and become more aware of feelings.
  • Counseling – A qualified counselor can help with life’s challenges in good ways.

Avoiding drugs and alcohol

Drugs and alcohol can be bad for your testosterone. Alcohol lowers it by blocking release of LH, which is needed for testosterone. Opiates reduce testosterone by cutting sperm count and changing testicular function. Cannabis also cuts free-testosterone, lowering sex drive and libido.

To keep good testosterone levels, avoid drugs and alcohol if you can. Occasional moderate use won’t have a big effect on hormones.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the signs of low testosterone?

Signs of low testosterone in males include reduced sex drive, fatigue, mood changes, decreased muscle mass and strength, and increased body fat.

2. What causes low testosterone?

Low testosterone can be caused by various factors, such as age, genetics, lifestyle choices, certain medications, and health conditions like diabetes or obesity.

3. How is low testosterone diagnosed?

A blood test is typically used to diagnose low testosterone. Testosterone levels can vary throughout the day, so it’s important to have several tests done at different times to get an accurate reading.

4. Can low testosterone be treated?

Yes, low testosterone can be treated with testosterone replacement therapy. This treatment may involve injections, patches, gels, or pellets placed under the skin.

5. What are the risks of testosterone replacement therapy?

The risks of testosterone replacement therapy include acne, breast enlargement, sleep apnea, and increased risk of blood clots and prostate cancer. However, these risks are generally low and can be managed with close monitoring by a healthcare provider.

6. How long does it take to see results from testosterone replacement therapy?

Results from testosterone replacement therapy can vary, but many men report improvements in their symptoms within a few weeks to a few months.

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