{"id":6529,"date":"2023-03-21T11:10:09","date_gmt":"2023-03-21T11:10:09","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/drfrankroachatlanta.com\/what-causes-low-testosterone\/"},"modified":"2023-03-21T15:42:24","modified_gmt":"2023-03-21T15:42:24","slug":"what-causes-low-testosterone","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/drfrankroachatlanta.com\/what-causes-low-testosterone\/","title":{"rendered":"What Causes Low Testosterone"},"content":{"rendered":"


Low T<\/b>, also known as low testosterone<\/em>, is a medical condition caused by lack of or inadequate production of the hormone testosterone. Testosterone is needed for normal development and maintenance of male characteristics. Low testosterone<\/strong> can cause issues such as decrease in muscle mass, strength, libido, mood, and energy levels<\/em>. Even though low testosterone is usually observed in men age 40 and above, it can also affect younger men.<\/p>\n

To understand low T, its effects on an individual’s hormones and health, one must look at the role of testosterone. This guide discusses the symptoms, causes, diagnostic methods and treatment options<\/strong> to restore healthy levels of testosterone.<\/p>\n

Causes of Low Testosterone<\/h2>\n

Low testosterone<\/b> is now a frequent health issue affecting men of any age. Different reasons can contribute to it, such as lifestyle choices, medical problems, or particular medications<\/em>. Here, we will take a look at the potential causes of low testosterone<\/strong> and how to fix them.<\/p>\n


As men age<\/b>, their testosterone falls. This decrease slows after 40 but keeps dropping until 70. After 70, testosterone levels plummet quickly<\/em>. Men over 40 may have trouble getting lean muscle or keeping up energy and libido due to less testosterone<\/b>. Plus, with aging comes greater risk of obesity and diabetes, which further reduce testosterone<\/em>.<\/p>\n


Obesity<\/b> can reduce testosterone levels in men. Abdominal obesity specifically<\/em> is linked to lower production and lower concentrations of testosterone. Fat tissue generates biochemical substances which reduce the body’s capacity to make testosterone. These substances affect hormones that are responsible for testosterone levels.<\/p>\n

Eating healthy and exercising regularly can benefit overall health, and help maintain healthy testosterone levels<\/b>.<\/p>\n


Stress can negatively affect testosterone production. This is because of hormones like cortisol and glucocorticoids<\/strong>. Long-term stress affects testosterone in several ways. It increases enzymes that break it down, and decreases enzymes that produce it. Extreme or prolonged stress can lower testosterone levels. Examples are: tough job, relationship issues, chronic fatigue syndrome or any other taxing issues<\/em>.<\/p>\n

Poor lifestyle choices like drinking, smoking and bad nutrition<\/strong> increase stress hormones and toxins in the bloodstream, leading to low testosterone. Additionally, diseases like diabetes<\/em> cause hormonal imbalances in the body, which can lead to decreased testosterone production.<\/p>\n

Testicular Injury<\/h3>\n

Testicular injury<\/b> occurs when trauma to the testicles happens. This can be from sports or a direct blow. This interrupts the testicular function, leading to decreased testosterone production. It is not common but can occur from direct blows. Symptoms include swelling and pain<\/em>. Low testosterone levels may also be present.<\/p>\n

If you feel any changes to your body due to activities, it’s important to see your doctor. They can make sure it is nothing serious or check for an underlying medical condition.<\/p>\n


Many medications can reduce a person’s natural production of testosterone. These include opioid pain relievers, type 2 diabetes drugs, steroids, AIDS and prostate cancer drugs, and antidepressants<\/em>. Valproate seizure medications, anabolic steroids, and long-term alcohol use<\/strong> have also been linked to low testosterone. Plus, obesity can increase the production of estrogen, further suppressing natural testosterone production. Weight loss<\/strong> could help restore normal hormone levels.<\/p>\n

Hormone Disorders<\/h3>\n

Endocrine diseases, also known as hormone disorders<\/em>, can lead to low testosterone levels. The two main causes are testicles not making enough of the hormone or a pituitary gland disorder. The pituitary gland controls testosterone production and other hormones.<\/p>\n

Common endocrine diseases that can make testosterone levels drop are:<\/p>\n